Sunday, October 15, 2017

Travel Responsibly

How many times, have you thought of quitting your job and going to the hills- just because an instagram post said that. Yours faithfully has been guilty of such thoughts.  But travel, involves money, involves having enough leaves and important of all- it needs you to have a job to return to when the travel fever has faded out.
I have worked for the last eight years, and started travelling just two years back. You guessed it right; I started two years back, because I used the first six years to save money.
Travel can be a way of life, only for those who have inherited a huge fortune or are incredibly talented to make a living out of blogs, photography and youtube videos. For those who belong to the incredibly talented category, the privilege of earning out of travel has also come after years of hardship and struggle.
So there is no easy way out, unless of course you plan to splurge your parent’s savings. Stamps on your passports aint cheap, but man, they are worth it. All good things never come easy. So, love your job, be realistic, save up, make travel goals, work towards them, start with small weekend trips and then take a the long jump for an international travel. Have a plan. Make sure you have savings when you pack your bags, make doubly sure you return to a bank balance and a job when you return with those bags.
 The universe favours those with a plan and determination. Travel responsibly.

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